Old School Herdwicks was born out of a desire to produce quality pasture fed meat with delicious flavour, character and provenance as well as having a passion for the breed.
We have our own small flock of breeding ewes which started their life on the fells of the Great Langdale Valley in Cumbria and from James Rebanks at Racy Ghyll. Now they graze on the lush pasture of the Chalk Valley in Wiltshire. As they mature on this better quality grazing so the flavour of the finished meat improves.
There are no artificial fertilisers or pesticides spread on the fields our Herdwicks graze, the pasture is fed by sunshine, rain and sheep manure.
Herdwicks are slow growing and are allowed to mature naturally to around 12 to 18th months.
They are hung for two weeks to help develop the delicious final flavour.

"Pasture fed meat with character and provenance"